Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Triangle - The Conclusion

The series Triangle came to a conclusion yesterday. I am not sure if I like the ending. Just wonder why it always comes down to the American Government when dealing with the great mysteries surrounding the unexplained? First you have the cover-up of the UFO crash down at Roswell, 1947 and now you have the Bermuda Triangle. I am not sure if I like that idea at all. Maybe the series try to explain the mystery in a more scientific way or maybe by involving the American Government, in this case the US navy, people could comprehend the subject better. Maybe involving aliens from outer space no longer convincing to the public.

However, I do like the idea of Parallel Universe and multiple realities which the series try to explain the whole mystery surrounding the triangle. It is really cool to know that somewhere in another dimension and universe, across the boundary of space an time there is an another me who is doing much better than I am here.

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