Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Experiencing life

"There are no slow-motion falls, no crying out the names of your loved ones. People die, and the world keeps spinning."

It's taking awhile for me to read the book. I am not reading as fast as I like. Somehow you need time to digest what is being said.

Maybe I like to be in the author's shoes. Maybe I should be witnessing the war with my own eyes. Maybe I should be there to capture the moments, to experience the war myself.

Hm... I think life is cruel. Everyone knows that the world keeps spinning regardless what... The world would not go slower or faster because of you. I know this fact well. But I guess without experiencing the reality of war, the statement remains just a statement.

I seriously think that I need to experience life more. You see the funny thing about me is that I know what I want, but I think too much. When you weight the pros and the cons, 9 out of 10 times you would take a step backward. Once you do that, you tend to just get over it by hypnotizing yourself over and over again with all the cons in the head. I think many people have the same tendency as me.

The truth is if i were to die tomorrow, I know I have regrets. And I don't like that. Then, how could I experience the life that I always wanted to?

Let me think it over tonight can…

1 comment:

Cwyl said...

Hmmm ... on a personal note, I guess I am one of the odd ones out. I usually do what i want to do and then worry about the cons later. Haha! Maybe you should try to do more of what you want and think less? :P