Saturday, July 08, 2006


After returning from my very first business trip, I was flying off again to the same place in a span of less than two weeks.

Before this, I always wonder how it feels like to be able to attend oversea business trip regularly... Now that I am in such situation, I can seriously tell you that it is not as glamorous as I thought.

Everything is in such a rush. I was told about the trip after lunch. Then immediately I have to fix and test a bug. After the bug was fixed and tested successfully, I have to rush out to get a Malaysian copy CD to be brought over to the client site. Then I was expected to go back to the office and test the new deployment. Finally I have to burn CDs with all the necessary information for me to bring over to do my work.

After rushing this and that in the office, I still find myself rushing things at home. I was trying to pay online bills and credit cards debts in order to keep myself away from embarrassment if I need to use my credit cards during the trip. After that I have to do my packing. Now, how do you pack your bag if you do not know how many days you will be away? It was a bit tricky for me. If I packed too few I might find myself wearing the same clothes over and over again. If I packed too many clothing then I might face teasing from my colleague for taking too much. You know, colleagues can be very cruel sometimes ok!!!!

After everything is in placed, I only got about 5 hours of sleep before rushing to the airport to catch the early flight.

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