Saturday, July 15, 2006

Getting bored...

I am always willing to give my all to the work I am doing. Although I might not be the best person for the job, you can be rest assured that I will give my all. A wise bold man once told me, don't just think that you are working for the company, but rather to think that you are working for yourself. That's how you learn and how you grow as an individual.

Well, it make perfection sense. Most of the time. If the situation is not complex and there are no other variables affecting the contents, then everything will be fine. When the money you earned is not enough, the situation gets a bit more complicated. When you do not get along with you colleages, the situation gets more complicated. When your hard work does not follow with appreciation, the situation gets very very complicated.

Sometimes I am wondering whether I have worked too hard? and my best is just not good enough... this is definitely not very motivating.

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