Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I miss the game...

It is a game of speed and power. It is a game of concentration. It is a game of self-discipline. It is the game that I like, bowling.

I have not been playing bowling as regularly as I like. Besides being busy at work, I simply can't find kaki to go with me. Isn't that strange? I must say every time I go to bowling alley, I can see that place is packed with people. People mountain people sea can… but, out of that many people, how come I do not know any of them? Life is strange... isn't it?

Today, however, out of blue, my fitness girl colleague asked me to go bowl. Playing bowling can... how to reject... Anyway, we both played 4 games each. Boy, I was sux. My ball didn't curve as much as I like. My ball didn't hit the pocket as accurate as I like. My ball didn't hit the strikes as perfectly as I like. Instead, I got splits pins. I got air ball. I got endless brooklyn throws.

Sigh... playing like that how to meet my 300 target ler?

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