Friday, March 17, 2006

I seek and I search

He writes songs. He makes films. He sings and he surfs the waves.

His music is refreshing. His music is relaxing. His music is unique and his music is distinctive.

After bumping into his name in the internet while browsing for guitar scores, I started to download his songs as I was curious why his songs were in the top five, not one but two... Very impressive can…

After listening to his music, I was intoxicated. I am not sure how to categorize his music but it makes me feel calm and relax. It is neither rock nor classical. It was neither country nor RnB. It was neither alternative nor pop. Maybe, just maybe it was contemporary... hm...

So after downloading his mp3 from the net, I knew I had to get a hold of his album. So, I started the journey of tracking down his albums. It was not easy to find his albums since he is not a main stream popular singer here in Malaysia. Well, at least none of my friends heard of him. I seeked high and low in not one but two record companies. I looked right and left in not two but few record companies. I examined front and back in not few but many record companies. Unfortunately I was disappointed not once but again and again. The surprising thing was that all the shops' assistants knew who Jack Johnson is and more surprising thing was that his album was all out of stocked. Maybe I was too ignorant. This guy can really sell albums man!

After two months of hunting, I finally saw the album I was looking for in a local bookstore. I was thrilled I was excited I was a happy man. I have been listening to his music for the past few days and I must say the patient and never give up attitude in getting his music was worth every seconds.

Oh by the way... he is Jack Johnson.

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