Monday, August 07, 2006


He jumped out from his bathtub, run naked in the street of Syracuse and shouted”Eureka! Eureka!” He is one of the great Greek mathematician, physicist and inventor. He is Archimedes (287-212 B.C.)

His principles on buoyancy make him famous. But I must tell the truth. I always get mixed up this person and the foremost Greek hero of the Trojan War, Achilles, the son of Peleus and Thetis.

Huh? You might think that you do not know who Achilles was but you must surely hear of the Achilles' paradox. The paradox stated that the "faster runner can never catch a slower runner because he is forever arriving at a point the slower runner has just vacated". Very interesting paradox… simple but it does make you stop and think for that few minutes.

Anyway, I was thrilled to learn from the news that the researches at Stanford University's Linear Accelerator Center have successfully using the X-rays to decipher a fragile 10th century manuscript that contains the copies of some of Archimedes' most important works.

This is very exciting. With the modern technology we are able to rediscover some of the greatest works that defined science and humanity. The discovery might not change the way we talk or how we live our life, but it is the discovery of human history and how we evolve. Without people like Archimedes, our human history will be less colorful... sounds a bit dramatic, but I firmly believe so lor...

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