Thursday, August 03, 2006


Despite the medication and whole day of working, I found myself not able to sleep yesterday night. This is a bit odd. Yes, I was thinking about work and my future but it was not very intense.

Anyway, after 1.5 hour of trying to sleep, I finally gave in and turned on my Astro to watch whatever program showing. As I was surfing the channels, for some unknown reason I ended up at HBO and started to follow the movie. The movie was entitled Alfie, starring Jude Law.

Jude Law plays a womanizer who was forced to question what he really wanted in life after a series of fail relationships. After finished watching the movie, especially at the end of the movie, it started to make me question about myself too. Maybe not about relationship, but life in general.

"What have I got? Really? Some money in my pocket, some nice threads, fancy car at my disposal, and I'm single. Yeah... unattached, free as a bird... I don't depend on nobody and nobody depends on me... My life's my own. But I don't have peace of mind. And if you don't have that, you've got nothing. So... what's the answer? That's what I keep asking myself. What's it all about? You know what I mean?"

So, do I have peace of mind?

I think God purposely not letting me to sleep so that I could watch that movie... how cruel okie, now I have to use my brain to think even more...

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